Wolf Publishing
Dani and the Wolf Storytelling
Oral Storytelling
and its transformative power

Photo by www.anthonycheung.photography
You may tell a tale that takes up residence in someone's soul, becomes their blood and self and purpose. That tale will move them and drive them and who knows what they might do because of it, because of your words. That is your role, your gift.
Erin Morgenstern, The Night Circus
Billington, K. (2016). Therapeutic Storytelling. Sydney Centre for Creative Change.
Crawford, R., Brown, B. & Crawford, P. (2004). Storytelling in Therapy. Cheltenham, U.K. Nelson Thornes Ltd.
Honos-Webb, L., Sunwolf, & Shapiro, J. (2001). Towards the re-enchantment of psychotherapy: The container model of storying in treatment. Humanistic Psychologist, 29, 70-97.
Parkinson, R. (2009). Transforming Tales: how stories can change people. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Honos-Webb, L., Sunwolf, & Shapiro, J. (2001). Towards the re-enchantment of psychotherapy: the container model of storying in treatment. Humanistic Psychologist, 29, 70-97.

Introduction and Welcome

Acknowledgement of Country with Tamia Manmurulu. Photo: www.anthonycheung.photography

Acknowledgment of Country with Tamia Manmurulu. Photo: www.anthonycheung.photography

World Storytelling Day 2019 Adult session: "Journey through the Tirolean myths". Photo: www.anthonycheung.photography

World Storytelling Day Adult session performance, "Journey through the Tirolean myths". Photo: www.anthonycheung.photography

Performing Austrian myth "Frau Hitt" Photo: www.anthonycheung.photography

World Storytelling Day Library at the Docks

Sharing Austrian culture

Practicing story performance